The Gut Brain Connection

The Gut Brain Connection

The Gut Brain Connection Historically, we know the gut and brain are connected.  We know this not only through scientific literature but also through personal experience.  Most of us have had an emotional event, e.g., bad news, a fright, big tests, etc., that elicits...
Do You Need a Chocolate Detox?

Do You Need a Chocolate Detox?

Do You Need a Chocolate Detox? I have been fielding a lot of questions about toxic metals and chocolate recently.  Food safety can be a topic that can be depressing. Rice has arsenic, most fish contain mercury (some more than others), shrimp have arsenic, leafy greens...
Aging and Death as a Vital Stage of Life

Aging and Death as a Vital Stage of Life

Aging and Death as a Vital Stage of Life When naturopathic doctors treat people in the early part of their lives, we strengthen them and optimize as much as possible. We help young people to go on to have vibrant lives, equipped with creativity and resilience for the...
Find Balance Through Naturopathic Medicine

Find Balance Through Naturopathic Medicine

Find Balance Through Naturopathic Medicine  Naturopathic medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that emphasizes prevention, treatment, and attaining optimal health through the use of natural therapies. Instead of simply suppressing symptoms, naturopathic...